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I've Been Painting in a Jungle (And I May Never Leave...)

I've Been Painting in a Jungle (And I May Never Leave...) - Stephie Jones Art

Easy. Breezy. 
The Palm Collection.

Palm Collection Wall Art Paintings by Virginia Beach Artist Stephie Jones

Would you like a behind-the-scenes look at my studio? Here's a peek at some works in progress from my latest palm painting collection. What do you think?

My Jungle

My studio has been consumed lately by these light and dreamy palm paintings—aren't they so soft? It's like working in a jungle (p.s. that's not the first time I've heard that about my workspace, I'm not the tidiest of people)!

Palm Collection Wall Art Paintings by Virginia Beach Artist Stephie Jones

I just love this color palette. Every stroke has been like a mini-vacation for me. A few months ago I kept passing these beautiful banana palms in my neighborhood, and their shape was just calling my name.

I love the way they move in the wind and how light hits the leaves and filters through their beautiful cuts and folds.

When I'm painting, I often try to create the kind of wall art I want to see in my own home. Coastal decor that reminds me of the beach just makes me happy.

Release Date

This painting collection will release for sale on Fri. February 23rd at 9 a.m. EST so mark your calendars! 


You can peek over my shoulder as the collection develops by following me on Instagram here.

If you're not getting out for a gorgeous beach vacation soon, these will do in a pinch. I'm not a fan of this winter. Brrrrr... Here's some other work that may warm you up.

Palm Collection Wall Art Paintings by Virginia Beach Artist Stephie Jones

Palm Collection Wall Art Paintings by Virginia Beach Artist Stephie Jones

My Process

And, if you're wondering about my process, enjoy this little speed painting video I made just for you! Paintings come together for me in many ways, and it's not always the same each time. It's a mystery. I'm ok not knowing how it works.

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